New Work
Jordan Tate & Adam Tindale
February 01 to February 28, 2010
New Work challenges the representational nature of photography by re-ordering the digital photograph, now stored as information in a computer or memory card, as a set of numbers. The images in this piece are digital photographs where no information is changed but rather has been re-organized using custom software from which images are selected for exhibition.
In conjunction with the 2010 EXPOSURE Calgary-Banff-Canmore Photography Festival, The New Gallery (TNG) is pleased to present recent collaborative work by ACAD Photo Department instructor Jordan Tate and MaDT instructor Adam Tindale. New Work challenges the representational nature of photography by re-ordering the digital photograph, now stored as information in a computer or memory card, as a set of numbers. This information is broken down into picture elements, or pixels, where each pixel represents a specific value of colour, brightness, saturation, etc. The images in this piece are digital photographs where no information has changed but rather has been re-organized using custom software from which images are selected for exhibition. The images presented shift over the course of the installation as more images are processed by the artists. An exploration of visual language and process, in a sense this work is also an examination of how we see and how images function in contemporary visual culture.
You are invited to submit a digital image for sorting to the following email address: lossless.processing@gmail.com
Selected images will be included in the exhibition and will be available for purchase at the following website: http://www.processing.fototime.com
Jordan Tate + Adam Tindale
jordantate.com / adamtindale.com